May 23, 2010


Hello hello!
Sitting at the computer again emailing you! That’s aweseome Dixie is doing so good! The pictures are way cool too. Don't worry about that natural roots song, I like it! I think its pretty good. I like all the music on there, and I'll probably get more Mormon Tab. from the Muhlesteins and other music from other missions. It’s nice to have music again! We're in Erfurt today for Pday with all the other missionaries in our district. We kind of got here late and are the last ones doing emails so everyone’s kind of waiting on us. So sorry this kind of just has to be quick.

Things in Nordhausen are going good though! We spent a whole lot of time this week doing doors and finding new people. We talked to a guy in his like mid 20s from China, he is studying in Nordhausen. But we were able to meet with him on Friday and give him a book of Mormon in Chinese and introduce it a little. We also talked a lot about prayer and some basic parts of the gospel. During the lesson we read a lot from the Book of Mormon and at the end asked him to say the prayer and he did! I think it was the first time he had ever prayed. We gave him a little card with directions on how to pray with 3 steps. The first just addressing our Heavenly Father, the 2 saying what we feel, thanking, asking, and the 3 closing in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. He looked at it and just said 'so I can say whatever I want in the middle?' we said yes and he
started to pray! It was so cool, he even asked for help on his upcoming tests in school. At the end of the lesson we tried to make out another appointment but he can't meet for about 3 weeks. It was cool though he said he was very curious and wanted to read the Book of Mormon as soon as possible, then he said it was good that we meet in 3 weeks because then he has time to read the Book of Mormon! It was a way good lesson. I'm looking forward to teaching him again.

I had never really taught anyone that has no idea about Christ or his gospel. Most people we teach have a basic idea of Christ. It was a very interesting experience and I learned a lot. It reminded me of a part in Jesus the Christ, in Ch. 11 it talks about miracles Christ performs. At the end of the chapter it says ''To Comprehend the works of Christ, one must know him as the Son of God; to the man who has not yet learned to know, to the honest soul who would inquire after the Lord, the invitation is ready; let him 'Come and see.' '' That was Christs invatation to Andrew and John when they asked 'Rabbi, where dwellest though?' he said 'Come and see'. I think thats so cool, just come and see.

Sorry this is so quick. I love you all!! Thank you for everything. Have a good week and be happy!
Elder Puriri

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