May 11, 2010


Hello Family!
It was really cool being able to talk last night. I'm glad everyone is doing good and it was cool that James and Corbin were there as well. Elder Kearl called his family right after so we got to meet them as well. Then after we finished the Muhlesteins called the rest of their kids. It was a good day though!
Started out going to church and we had a mothers day program. Elder Kearl, Elder Muhlestein, and I sang teach me to walk in the light. Then we went home and cooked out own Sunday meal, it was actually the first time my whole mission where I haven't had a meal with a member on Sunday. The branch here is smaller though so it’s alright. Then we got back to the church quick for an appointment, which sadly didn't go through. We weren't sure where our next appointment was and we had left the map at the apartment. So we were either going to go to the Muhlesteins real quick because we were close to their house, or take the tram back up to our apartment and get our map. We sat there for a second and decided to go back to our apartment. So we headed left up the road instead of right. As we came around the first corner we talk to a girl walking past us and made out an appointment for this week. We were able to talk a little bit about the purpose of life with her and she seemed really interested to learn more. It's pretty cool how things like that happen, if we would have went to the Muhlesteins we would have missed her. At our next appointment the guy wasn't home so we just did doors for the next hour and a half or so, then went to the Muhlesteins and called you! It was a pretty good day. This transfer is already half way through, it’s kind of scary sometimes how quickly transfers go by. We have to get the most out of the little time we have. It’s a lot of fun though and we're always busy so it’s good.
Well since we skyped yesterday I don't really know what to write about...thanks for the package though and getting me that ipod! Tell Ben thanks as well for helping out. Elder Kearl is ready to head out so I'm gonna finish this. This morning I studied Alma 5 though, it is an amazing chapter. Verse 26: 'And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of hear, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can you feel so now?' It is a good question to ask yourself often. Can you feel so now? We should be striving for that feeling and using the times in the past that we have felt like that as a motivation or reminder. We remember those feelings and remain worthy and do our part to have more of the sacred experiences. I can't remember who the speaker was right now but this last conference someone was talking about Sundays and the spirit we feel and sacrament meeting, and then he said something like on Monday we have to return back to the world. After he said that I asked myself, how will you return? It’s helped me a lot to ask myself that. Not only just on Sundays but each day before I leave the apartment or after I have a very spiritual experience.
The Gospel is amazing, my love for it grows each day as I study it and teach it. My love for all you grows daily as well, and with that, my love for the Gospel grows. I am so grateful for it and for the blessings we as a family receive from the Gospel. I love you all, it was fun talking to you yesterday! Have a good week!!
Elder Puriri

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