October 17, 2011


When we email on Tuesdays we just cut our pday short on Monday then take that time on Tuesday to email. But we are in Erfurt so we wont have to do that today. That also means though I am going to have to make this a bit shorter so that we can get everything done here today. 

Dads hair does look pretty crazy ha. My hair is pretty short. I was sick of paying for haircuts so a couple pdays ago in Erfurt I just had one of the other elders shave it ha. He used the longest thing but it was still pretty short. It caught me off guard since i had never done that. It grows back though, and it was free!

We had a good past week though! We were able to work a lot with the members and those who need help right now. On Sunday we had a pretty cool experience. It actually started back in the first week of the transfer. I can't remember if I told you or not but we visited a bible study group in another church. It was pretty cool, the people were way nice. Then this last week we were doing doors out in one of the nicer areas of Gotha. Then we doored into a lady that was at that bible study. We talked for a bit then asked if she had ever heard of the Book of Mormon. We were able to introduce it and explain a bit. Then as we gave it to her and were leaving she invited us to their Sunday service. So we decided we could go since it was in the afternoon and it would give us an opportunity to ask her if she had any questions or anything like that. So as we showed up the peopel who recognized us were way friendly. Yea I think I did tell you about this. The guy that lives in the church kind of. His house is just connected I guess. He was way happy to see us and we sat by him. 

I was really impressed by the sermon that a young man gave maybe like 27 or so years old. It was solid and full of truth. After I went and thanked him for it and I think he was a bit surprised ha since we were LDS missionaries and all. The guy that lives there though invited us back to the bible study on Thursday and asked us if we would prepare a 15 minute presentation. We are supposed to tell a bit about our faith, where we are from, and how we came to being here. Such a good opportunity! It will be way cool. I've always wanted to do something like this in other churches ha. We are going to look for more here in Gotha and build up relationships. 

Präsident Schwartz suggested we start trying things like this since we will find people that are already way faithful there. So we are trying it out. We will go by on the lady we gave the Book of Mormon to and see if she is interested to learn more.

It was really interesting to sit and listen to that guys sermon. He was so sincere and understood the bible really well. Full of truth and a desire to change for God and allow the gospel to change him. He could have been teaching that in our church. I was surprised because I didnt expect anything as solid as that. So many people are full of light and truth and love god. I just wanted the whole time that he would read the Book of Mormon. We in no way want to take away what these people already have. We just want to give them more, add to their blessings. I could feel the whole time how full of light the guy was but at the same time it felt like something he was constrained in some way. If he just heard the restored gospel it would set him free! More truth. Just as Christ said, the truth will set you free. He would be able to make even more changes, and affect others on their way even deeper, and follow God even more sincerely.

As I went up to talk to him after he seemed surprised and a bit hesitant to talk with me. So I just thanked him, asked for his name and a copy of his sermon. Hopefully he is there on Thursday and we can talk a  bit more. Its so cool to meet people who sincerely desire to do good and follow God. The restored gospel is a blessing and help for all. Those who already have will be given more. We just have to allow the spirit to touch them and they must open their hearts to recognize that amazing thing being offered to them.

Things are going well in Gotha, we are keeping busy and beginning to work more with the ward to accomplish our goals. Lots to do and under pressure ha. I hope everyone is doing well! I don't know what foot drop is though but that brace thing for ammon sounds pretty cool.

Have a good, productive week! Love you all!
Elder Puriri

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