June 21, 2010


Hello hello!
No Mom I didn't get the package yet. Maybe later today or tomorrow I dont know. This last week was pretty exciting though! Lots of cool stuff happening right now. This coming wednesday we're all going to a city called Jena for our last meeting with President Pimentel. Pretty sad but it will still be a fun day.  We pretty much have 9 more days in the Berlin mission then were gone, its a crazy thought. We still basically know nothing about the Frankfurt mission. It's like starting all over again. Its exciting though!

Evelyn's baptism is this coming saturday in Erfurt. It's definitely been a blessing to be able to teach their family and to see them make progress together in the gospel. Daniel, her husband who was baptized in January, will be baptizing her this weekend. He's way excited about that its awesome. Yesterday in church we were talking to people about the baptism and seeing who all wanted to come. An investigator we had was the first one who spoke up and asked when, where, and how much it would cost to get there. Pretty suprising but very cool! We told him we would all take the train together and that it wouldn't cost him anything so now he's coming! That will be really cool as well. 

We've been teaching Ahsan a few times a week as well and helping him progress towards his baptismal date we set with him. I was a bit worried about it the other day but then we taught him after church yesterday. We watched the Restoration in the church. Ahsan even brought his friend. As we watched it I could feel the spirit way strong. I love reading in the scriptures or watching the church films like that and feeling again the spirit and truthfulness of it all. Towards the end of the movie where Joseph leaves his house and heads to the forest the song Joseph Smith's First Prayer begins to play. Ahsan started humming and Elder Loynes and I were kind of confused wondering why he was humming. Then he said 'We sung this song my first time at church right?' Then he just kept on humming! It was cool! He had remembered the song. At the end of the movie we asked how they both felt and his friend spoke up first and said 'You definitely feel something different when you watch that'. It was an awesome lesson. Ahsan even asked for a copy of the movie so he could have it and put it on his laptop. It is pretty humbling to see how the Lord prepares people and the power of the spirit. You realize you really are just in instrument in the Lord's hands. It is a really good feeling though.

We were also able to meet with Xiang again. The lesson we had with his was way cool. We asked him about his reading and if he had any questions or anything just right at the beginning. Then he started talking about the first time we met with him and how we talked about prayer. He said 'when we were praying I had never felt like that before'. Then we had also told him he could pray by himself and could pray before tests and stuff when he needs help and he reminded us that we told him that. Then he said 'I had a really big test and needed all the help I could get so I tried praying like you said and I felt like I just got this power from somewhere, its hard to explain'. It was cool hearing him talk about prayer and how it had helped him, and as we continued to talk and read in the scriptures he had lots of questoins. All very sincere and like he
just wants to learn and take it all in. We ended up talking about baptism with him and he understood everything so quick and asked lots of questions about baptism. We ended up setting a soft baptismal date with him for July 10 but he may be too busy between now and then with Finals and all and he is going back to China for the summer holliday. If that doesn't work though he said he would want to do it when he gets back. He's an awesome kid though. Again just seeing how God has prepared people and leads us to them or them to us. 

We're obviously working hard, trying to accomplish a lot, but with all the people who are making such amazing progress it pretty much feels like we aren't doing anything! It's definitely a blessing to be able to work with these people though. This last week was full of miracles and blessings. I'm having fun and learning lots. I hope everything back home is going good. Have a good week everyone, be happy! Love you all!
Elder Puriri

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