June 11, 2010


Hello Family!
I'm good Mom, Elder Loynes is good, and Nordhausen is good. Its been warm and sunny the last few days its beautiful, other then that fact that for some reason I have allergies in germany and thats pretty annoying, but things are still good. For breakfast I had a piece of toast and a banana...because thats all we had left ha. Then we went shopping after study and bought food for the week then I ate more. We make it week to week ha. 

This past week was pretty good! Tuesday we took Elder Kearl to the train station and sent him off to Berlin. It was kind of weird knowing was going home. Saw him off then I went with the Muhlesteins that morning until Elder Loynes came in around 11:30. Ran his stuff to the apartment and got to work! I was hoping that Elder Smith from bloomington would come into my district or zone, but he's not even close. He'll stay in the Berlin mission and I'll go to Frankfurt. It would have been fun to see him.

The week kind of went by in a blur. Elder Loynes came to me then we did an exchange with the Gotha elders a day later or something, had to go to Erfurt twice this week for meetings. It has been really busy. During the tausch with Gotha I stayed here in Nordhausen with Elder Chidsey. We had an appointment with Ahsan (from Bangladesh) and I was really looking forward to it but we went by and he wasn't there. There was a Vietnamese girl there that we talked to and she said she would tell Ahsan to call us later. That night we had finished planning for the next day and were just kind of talking and getting ready for bed. then at 10:35 the phone rang. I was kind of confused because usually at 1030 we go to bed and nobody calls after that time. So I answered it and it was Ahsan. He apologized for not being there and said 'Can you come tomorrow?' I said of course and we made out a time. Then before he hung up he said 'oh yea I have a friend that wants to  come too is that ok?' And of course we said yes. It was pretty cool that he called! Then the next day Elder Loynes and I went by and met in Ahsans room. We sat down and he said kept apologizing for not being there the day before. Then he said and I haven't been able to read as much in the Book, I have had lots of tests in school and have had to study. So we asked where he was at in the BoM. He grabbed his, opened it up and goes 'I am only at Alma 32'. It was so cool! E. Loynes and I were both way excited and kept telling him he's doing good and to just keep reading. Then he said yea I like reading this book, while I read it I feel really good. It was pretty much perfect. Right before we started he said oh wait I have to get my friend. Then he went out and grabbed the Vietnamese girl we had talked to the day before! It was so cool. We had planned to teach about the 2nd half of the plan of salvation to Ahsan but since this brand new girl came in we weren't sure what to teach. E. Loynes looked at me as Ahsan went to go grab the girl and goes 'what do we teach? what do we teach? what do we teach?' We both just kind of started laughing, we weren't too worried, we just weren't sure exactly what to teach. So we prayed and opened up Alma 7 and read about the Atonement of Christ in those 6 verses. The Bengali BoM only has selected sections and sadly didn't have that chapter. So we read it in Germany and explained it verse by verse switching back and forth between English and German making sure they were getting everything. Ahsan was way interested and you could see he was learning a lot. After we had finished talking about those 6 verses we began talking about our part of the atonement again. Ahsan is studying to be a pilot and on the wall in front of his desk he has airplane designs and pictures and stuff. We said that as he studies and when we looks up he sees those pictures and that is his goal. Something he can always look up and see. Then we talked about having a goal in the gospel and said we would like to set a baptismal date with him. He just completely agreed and said yes goals are very important and if we don't have them we don't accomplish anything. This whole time he had basically been saying the perfect things ha. So we set a date with him for the beginning of July! He asked where it would be and what time and all and was writing it all down trying to figure it out, then we told him not to worry about it and that we would go there together ha. Then he looked at the girl next to him and goes 'She's going to come too'  it was so cool. He invited her to his baptism and even asked if we had a book in Vietnamese for her, so when we go back tuesday night we will give her her book and hopefully she will continue meeting with with us as well. It was such an amazing appointment. It went basically perfect and as Elder Loynes and I lwere leaving we both were so happy. We didn't know what to say and could hardly believe what had just happened. It was a very cool experience and I'm way excited about continuing to meet with Ahsan.

The Lord is preparing people all over the place, we just have to do our part to find them, and our part to have the spirit with us, and the Lord really does the rest. I've experienced that so many times already. I haven't known what to do in a lot of cases, but I pray and trust the spirit and the Lord works miracles. I am very grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost and the real power that it has. It was pretty cool in conference when Julie B. Beck was speaking she said 'The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life'. I have definitely seen the truth in that and will continue to work on developing that skill throughout my life.

I'm having fun and learning so much all the time its awesome! I hope everyone back home is doing good. Thank you for the letters love and prayers! I love you all so much. Have a good week. Be happy!
Elder Puriri

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